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Pink is the colour of young sweet love. It’s a mirror of a heart beating so fast, stomach fluttering with butterflies because here comes romance, glancing at your very heart. Is this love? You ask yourself. Am I falling inlove? Yes, indeed you are, your heart is blossoming like pink flowers.

Blushing pinks are mostly related to femininity, all things about women – their grace, wisdom, dedication, and vigour in life. The female association has expanded since pink flowers were also used to represent the advocacy of breast cancer and all other causes which raise awareness on the existence of women. Other than this, pink flowers can also relay gratitude and most importantly, express true love.

One can always count on pink flowers to bring out the hidden desires of the heart. For moments where words cannot fully interpret your feelings, there are assorted species of pink flowers which may help you communicate what you really want to say whether it’s about your romantic inclinations or platonic relations.

You may wonder which pink flowers suit your intention. Here is a quick guide on types of pink flowers you can choose from.

Pink Carnations – the queen of all colours in carnations, we must say. There are varying hues of pink in carnations giving a lot of choices for flower lovers especially when it comes to aesthetic purposes. But going deeper, pink carnations have really high value because it denotes a mother’s pure and unconditional love for her child.

Pink Hydrangeas – if you would like to send pink flowers without romantic connotations, you may choose pink hydrangeas. Overall, pink hydrangeas signify a relationship where you understand the situation regardless of the emotions involved. On the other hand, pink hydrangeas are fondly used for bridal bouquets because of its unique and charming appearance.

Pink Lilies – Stargazer lilies’ are known to have their petals directed to the sky that is why it has been related to stories of achievements and successes by loved ones and friends. It’s a beautiful way to say congratulations or keep it up.

Serenade a loved one with flowers, send pink flowers today.

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