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Carnation is a flower we often use in the bouquets and flower arrangements we have here at FloraMamma. They were once one of the most popular flowers in the world, although not so much anymore. Nevertheless, carnations are beautiful blooms that can be perfect for various bouquets and flower arrangements.

Carnation Facts

Carnations are flowering plants belonging to the Caryophyllaceae family. It has more than 300 varieties found all over the world and originated from Europe and Asia. People have cultivated the flower for at least 2000 years thanks to its gorgeous blooms and powerful scent. Its scientific name is “Dianthus caryophyllus,” which means “heavenly flower.”

The natural or original colour of carnation is purple-pink but is now available in many other hues. You can now find red, orange, yellow, white, and green carnations, colours created by humans through selective breeding. There is also a blue-mauve carnation as a result of genetic engineering.

Symbolism and Meanings of Carnations

There are tons of meanings and symbolism associated with carnations based on the culture and colour of the flower. In the Christian lore, this flower is associated with motherly love due to the story of how the Virgin Mary’s tears upon seeing Jesus carry the cross sprouted carnations.

In the Netherlands, people wear white carnations to remember war veterans. Purple carnations are also the traditional funeral flower in France. Meanwhile, red carnations are often worn in some countries to symbolise the labour movement.

For the most part, carnation means love, fascination, and distinction. But as we’ve said, the meaning can be different depending on the colour of the flower. For instance, white carnations represent purity, the same as most white flowers.

Dark red carnations signify love and passion, as most other red blooms do. On the other hand, lighter red carnations convey admiration. Pink carnations mean gratitude, while purple ones symbolise capriciousness. Yellow carnations represent rejection and disappointment.

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