Flower Types

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$51.49 $46.53
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Buy Purple Orchid's
Save 11%
$88.12 $78.22
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Potted Yellow Orchid Flowers
Save 11%
$88.12 $78.22
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White Orchid
Save 11%
$88.12 $78.22
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Buy Pink Orchids
Save 11%
$88.12 $78.22
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Same Day Delivery
Save 13%
$54.46 $47.52

All Flower Types

Are you looking for flowers as a gift? Or perhaps you’re looking for potted flowers to add colour to your garden? Then, you are in the right place! FloraMamma made it easy to find the flower you need by categorising them by type.

The Language of Flowers

We’re sure you’re familiar with or at least have heard about the language of flowers. Blooms have secret meanings and can tell you varying tales. For instance, many types of flowers in the world have their connotations.

History, culture, tradition, or personal stories created these meanings, which are still recognised today. The language of flowers is quite interesting, able to help you express feelings, thoughts, and emotions simply by the type of flower you use.

Shop All Flower Types at FloraMamma

If you’re looking for a specific flower for a bouquet, flower in a vase, or any arrangement, FloraMamma has you covered. We have flowers of all types, from roses to gerberas and other uncommon blooms.

With these many flowers, it’s not going to be a problem for you to convey a message using bouquets and flower arrangements. Shop around and personalise your floral gifts with FloraMamma’s flower collection.

Below are some of the flower types you can find at our shop.


Roses can mean many things, depending on the type of rose and the colour. Red roses signify passionate love. White roses can mean new beginnings, innocence, and purity, while yellow roses now represent friendship.


People from the East have been cultivating carnations for thousands of years. Each colour of this flower has its own meaning. Carnations are often given on the first wedding anniversary to signify undying love.


Lilies are one of the most popular flowers in the world. They are famous for the variety they have and the elegant shape of the blooms. Lilies can mean many things depending on the type of the flower, colour, and culture, but it often symbolises purity and devotion.


Orchids are exotic flowers with colourful, fragrant blooms. The flower has many symbolic values, with different species being culturally significant in various countries. Orchids can mean many things like love, fertility, elegance, charm, exoticism, and luxury.

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