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Rose & Teddy Bear
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Spring Into Life
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$64.36 $56.44

In mind, in heart, in thoughts... these are where you keep your family and friends when you cannot be with them. Every time you cannot hold their hand, embrace them tight, and kiss their cheek, don’t worry because near or far, your sweetest intentions can always be expressed with flowers.

Flowers are a symbol of thoughtfulness. Remembering a loved one or friend always brings reminiscence and gives us the urge to let it out and express our longing through fresh colourful fragrant blooms. It doesn’t matter if there is an occasion or an ordinary day, you can always depend on flowers to materialize your thoughts from your heart to your recipient.

On-demand flowers, same day delivery

We delivery hand-arranged and fresh-cut flowers to your family, friends, and acquaintances the same day. No need to find a flower shop and do a walkathon to the market to buy someone a bouquet of flowers. You can immediately send artfully designed bouquets and bunches the same day when you order online prior the cut-off time at 1 PM on Mondays to Fridays.

Use your smartphones, laptops, or desktop computers when you want to order flowers. Our website is up and running and always updated with the latest floral trends when it comes to affordable yet stunning floral creations. Take note of the voucher code to get instant discounts upon payment to our trusted payment partners like Paypal, VISA, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express cards, Discover, and Pastepay.

We take pride in partnering with your friendly European florists in town. Our flowers are sourced locally to ensure freshness upon delivery to your recipient. If you have any queries or special request, do not hesitate to call our bilingual florists via live chat, email, and telephone hotline.

Thinking of You is my favourite thing to do

Filling our thoughts with memories of our loved ones and friends can give a natural high. We offer a wide range of flower bunches, plant arrangements, and basket gifts. Order according to your recipient’s taste and we will deliver to their address fast and on-time.

“I think of you even if you are miles away” – For long distance relationships, flowers are often used to compensate for the absence. The scent of the flowers can make you feel your loved one’s presence.

“I think of you in these difficult times” – Lonely days are inevitable but it can be made better through a breather that is flowers. Michelle basket arrangement of pink, violet, and yellow blooms with vibrant greenery is one way to say – “You can always count on me.”

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