Featured Flowers

Same Day Delivery
Save 10%
52.00 47.00
Same Day Delivery
purple flowers
Save 9%
56.00 51.00
Same Day Delivery
Yellow Lilies
Save 14%
68.95 59.00
Same Day Delivery
Save 9%
69.95 64.00
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
pink lilies, gerberas
Save 8%
75.00 69.00
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Save 9%
93.50 84.95
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Save 10%
99.00 89.00
Same Day Delivery
Save 15%
115.00 98.00
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Save 13%
55.00 48.00
Same Day Delivery
Save 14%
69.95 59.95
Same Day Delivery
Save 7%
54.00 50.00
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
purple flowers
Save 9%
56.00 51.00
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Spring Into Life
Save 12%
65.00 57.00
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
White roses
Save 14%
139.00 119.00
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Save 15%
139.95 119.00
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Save 7%
295.00 275.00
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
We can’t claim ours will be the cheapest flowers you can find. After all, flower gifts that are irresistibly beautiful rarely come with a cheap price. What Flora Mamma can provide are unique, meaningful, and captivating floral gifts that are definitely reasonably priced.

Reliable and Affordable Germany Flower Delivery

As a trusted online florist delivering fresh flowers throughout Germany, Flora Mamma prioritizes quality craftsmanship and outstanding customer service. We aim to provide you with fine and fresh flowers that are meticulously picked and prepped by hand, delivered on time, and sold to you at a fair price.  Our goal is to provide both the flower sender and the recipient the satisfaction they deserve.  So for every order at Flora Mamma, our clients get a product and a service that give the best value to their money.

Why don’t you order a bouquet for your home today and see for yourself the kind of flowers and delivery service Flora Mamma is able to offer? Take a look at our floral selection now and find an exciting variety of floral arrangements to complement your style.

Quality Flowers from Trusted Germany Florist

Flora Mamma Flower Shop Germany has a wide selection of quality flowers to suit different floral arrangements. From luxurious tulips and roses to exotic blooms and tropical flowers, we’ve got it all. Flora Mamma can provide you with decorative flower arrangements to prettify a console table or a side table in your living room. We also have fresh flowers in vase that you can send as get well gifts or housewarming presents. Also available are hand-arranged bouquets to suit different occasions including birthdays, graduations, anniversaries and new baby celebrations.

Our online catalogue also features sympathy and funeral flowers, decorative potted plants, and flower baskets. We’ve got the most expressive and impressive floral arrangements that can help you say I miss you, Thank you, I’m Sorry, Get Well Soon, or Congratulations. Of course, we have a fabulous array of “I love you” flowers including roses with teddy bear and bouquets paired with chocolates.

Flowers to Germany Delivered Same Day

Our floral creations can reach every nook and cranny of Germany. Flora Mamma delivers bouquets, flowers in vase, flowers with chocolates, flowers with wine, and floral arrangements to Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt, and Dusseldorf. We also have local florists who can hand deliver fresh flower gifts to residential and commercial addresses in Hesse, Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia.

When you need to send flowers to Cologne, to Brandenburg, Kiel or to Dresden, you can count on Flora Mamma. We have partner local florists in every town and city in Germany so that we can swiftly deliver your order and provide you with the freshest flowers. Because our products will come from a local florist nearest to the delivery address, we get to consistently provide our customers with speedy flower delivery service and beautiful flowers that are as fresh as they’d want them to be.

Bouquets by Local Florists in Germany

Florists of Flora Mamma are talented, skilled and dedicated flower experts who love and value their craft. With that, they are able to provide flower arrangements that are not just aesthetically pleasing but also heartwarming. Their keen eye for detail, knowledge of the language of flowers, natural creativity and passion for what they do enable them to craft floral designs that are not only impactful but also meaningful.

Flora Mamma understands that sending flowers is one way to communicate and reach out to our loved ones near and far. With our symbolic and thoughtfully designed floral arrangements, we get to help our customers express themselves better and connect or reconnect with their family and friends. Send a basket of yellow and green blooms to send a cheer up message to a dear friend studying abroad. Pick our daring mix or fuchsia carnations, yellow roses, and green chrysanthemum santinis to show appreciation to someone’s bold personality. Our Springtime floral arrangement is what we recommend for those looking for a simple and sweet floral display to say “thank you.”

We invite you to use our floral creations and our flower delivery service to get in touch with your loved ones in Germany. Send a Flora Mamma flower arrangement to demonstrate how you feel or to express what you can’t put into words. Trust in the power of fresh flowers to convey thoughts and emotions no other word or gift can. Trust Flora Mamma to deliver your message in a unique, heartwarming and moving way.