Featured Flowers

Same Day Delivery
Save 10%
$81.25 $73.44
Same Day Delivery
purple flowers
Save 9%
$87.50 $79.69
Same Day Delivery
Yellow Lilies
Save 14%
$107.73 $92.19
Same Day Delivery
Save 9%
$109.30 $100.00
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
pink lilies, gerberas
Save 8%
$117.19 $107.81
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Save 9%
$146.09 $132.73
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Save 10%
$154.69 $139.06
Same Day Delivery
Save 15%
$179.69 $153.13
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Save 13%
$85.94 $75.00
Same Day Delivery
Save 14%
$109.30 $93.67
Same Day Delivery
Save 7%
$84.38 $78.13
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
purple flowers
Save 9%
$87.50 $79.69
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Spring Into Life
Save 12%
$101.56 $89.06
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
White roses
Save 14%
$217.19 $185.94
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Save 15%
$218.67 $185.94
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Save 7%
$460.94 $429.69
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery

Themed flowers bouquets delivered the same day by Flora Mamma Lugano


Say hooray and jump for joy because today, you get to make someone happy through fresh cut flower delivered the same day by Flora Mamma Lugano! That someone can be you or someone you hold dearly. It can be your mama, your sister, your best friend, your colleague, even your boss!

With flowers, it doesn’t matter if your recipient is near or far, girl or boy, sad or glad – whatever the circumstances are, Flora Mamma Lugano will take care of your floral needs.

Flora Mamma Lugano’s products and services are centred on the customers. We want you to have a fun experience when it comes to sending love through flowers to your loved ones and friends in Lugano. When you order prior to 1:00 PM on a weekday, you can guarantee that we will deliver your bouquet to your recipient the same day! Wow!

Why don’t you start playing the game of ‘happy flowers’ and go visit our website by using your Iphone, Android phone, tablet, or desktop computers? All our creative flower arrangements are there and what’s best is that each flower gift is classified according to every occasion. It is easy to navigate and you would not have a hard time finding the best lily, rose, daisy, or carnation bouquet that you will send as a celebratory gift or a gift for comfort and reassurance.

Now, do not be intimidated with the artisanal flower bouquets by our partner local florists. We guarantee you that even if our premium bouquets are breathtaking, these are also affordable! Don’t be too surprised, though, because that is the Flora Mamma Lugano trademark. Service with a heart...and beautiful flowers of course!

The Happy Flowers Game by Flora Mamma Lugano

Once you have experienced sending flowers through our well-trained florists here in Lugano, we want you to take this game by heart. It has no loser because everyone who participates wins!

Instruction: Think of a person you would want to send flowers to. Together with the bouquet you will send, include a gift car bearing the game challenge.

Challenge: Receiving the bounty of colourful flowers looks like a feast, somebody remembered you at least! Now it’s time to return a reward, today is the day you can pay it forward.

It sounds like a riddle but really it’s not, because once you can start a flower brigade it will cascade into a waterfall chain of friendship, love, comfort, and hope. Go on spread the positivity. Let Flora Mamma Lugano be your partner in this selfless gesture.

Pay every kind deed forward and someday, the ball of kindness you rolled will come back to you.

Enjoy shopping flowers!